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strawberry pie


Discover the recipe for Strawberry Pie, a classic you never tire of. This strawberry pie recipe is prepared with a homemade pastry cream. Quickly get your hands in the dought to prepare this strawberry pie.

Ingredients 6 people


200g Pure butter shortbread

250g Fresh strawberries

For the pastry cream:

500g Milk

2 eggs

100g Sugar

50g Maïzena

0.5 vanilla pod

100g Butter

Preparation steps

Make the pastry cream: Split then scrape the vanilla pod, place the grains in the milk and bring to the boil.

Whisk the eggs and sugar until the mixture turns white. Add the cornstarch, and whisk until you get a homogeneous mixture.

As soon as the milk boils, drizzle it over the egg preparation, whisking constantly.

Pour the cream back into the pan, and boil for 3 min, whisking continuously so that the cream does not stick to the bottom of the pan. The cream will gradually thicken. After 3 min of boiling, remove it from the heat and stir in the butter in pieces.

Pour the pastry cream into a bowl, cover it with cling film in contact with the cream to avoid the formation of a crust, and let stand for 1 hour in the refrigerator.

Preheat your oven to 356° F . Unroll the shortcrust pastry in a pie pan. Prick it everywhere with the teeth of a fork. Place a sheet of parchment paper on the bottom of the pie, and place baking weights (you can use ceramic, metal weights, glass marbles or dried beans). As soon as the oven is hot, put the pie in the oven.

After 20 min of cooking, remove the weights, and continue cooking the pie for another 10 min.

Take the dough out of the oven and let it cool completely.

Spread half the pastry cream on the bottom of the pie, using a spatula (you will use the remaining pastry cream for another recipe). Smooth well.

Rinse and dry the strawberries. Hull them and then arrange them harmoniously on the pie. Refrigerate 1 hour before tasting.

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